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Samex was established in Australia - the world's leading red meat export nation - in 1978, and quickly became one of the country's principal meat export trading companies. Our business was founded on the export of small stock, including sheep, lamb and goat, and quickly expanded to include beef and poultry as well as a full range of offals. The acquisition of Peterborough meatworks means Samex is now the largest exporter of camel meat in the world. Today Samex has grown expansively. To meet the needs of an ever increasing customer base, we have opened offices in China and The Middle East, and have established supply arrangements with leading meat producers around the world. We have become the trusted suppliers to all importers of meat products worldwide, including, wholesalers, distributors, major supermarket chains, shipchandlers and government agencies. Understanding the customer’s requirements has been the key to our success.
Organic, Beef sirloin steaks, Beef rump steaks, Beef shin, Beef mince, Beef fillet steak, Beef brisket, Beef rib-eye steak, ORGANIC MEAT CUTS & JOINTS, ORGANIC BEEF, ORGANIC MUTTON & LAMB, ORGANIC RUBY VEAL, ORGANIC FREE-RANGE PORK, HAM & BACON, ORGANIC PORK, ORGANIC CHICKEN, ORGANIC LAMB, ORGANIC MUTTON, OFFALS AND FATS,Braising Steaks, finest beef, game, burgers, salt beef,BBQ, Special Offers, BOGOF Deals, Healthy Eating, Beef, Lamb, Pork, Poultry, Bacon & Sausages, Deli & Cooked Meats, Chef Prepared, Stew Meats & Pie Fillings, Bulk Buys, Boxes & Packs, Bacon, Sausages, Sirloin Steaks, Rump Steaks, Ribeye Steaks

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