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Vibrant Ayurveda Wellness Centre is one of the largest ayurvedic centres in Australia. It is run by a team of experienced Ayurvedic Doctors (vaidyas) and practitioners whose aim is to provide a complete, quality Ayurvedic health care service at a fair price. At our clinics, you can taste the real Ayurveda, just as you would if you went to India. Australia’s leading Ayurveda Expert, Vaidya Dr. Pradeep Neupane (Ayurvedic Doctor) Trained in India and Nepal, the original lands of Ayurveda Graduate in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) from Ayurveda Campus, Institute of Medicine, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. Owner of Vibrant Ayurveda Wellness Centres (Brisbane, Gold Coast and Kingaroy) Vaidya Dr. Pradeep’s journey into medicine began as a child growing up in Nepal. Surrounded by the inspiring Himalayan mountains, where his family chores included churning freshly harvested buffalo milk to make clarified butter (ghee), Dr.Pradeep acquired an early and deep appreciation of the beauty of natural, holistic living. His shining intellect and hard work at school, supported by his loving family, called Dr.Pradeep to higher horizons. Dr.Pradeep qualified as an Ayurvedic doctor after completing six years of medical training in Kathmandu. He learned the holistic system of Ayurveda and was privileged to work in several renowned ayurvedic hospitals in India and Nepal. In addition to his Ayurvedic medical degree, Dr.Pradeep has completed specialist training in detoxification and rejuvenation therapy (Panchakarma), and therapeutic yoga and breathing therapy (pranayama). After graduation, Dr.Pradeep worked in the prestigious Patanjali Ayurveda and Yoga Centre in Haridwar (Northern India), the world’s largest yoga and Ayurvedic centre run by the respected guru, Swami Baba Ramdev. He also worked in Nepal’s first Patanjali Ayurveda Yoga Hospital, and in several medical centres in Kathmandu. He moved to Australia in early 2008 and established a unique holistic ayurvedic practice in Brisbane that eventually grew into the current Vibrant Ayurveda Wellness Centres. Dr.Pradeep’s prestigious training and extensive experience has refined his ability to identify ailments and provide effective advice and remedies to thousands of patients. He looks at the root causes of illness and suggests holistic, natural, effective and safe treatments. His diet and lifestyle advice is always practical and achievable. After following his advice, many clients feel they have gained a new life with a healthier body and clearer mind. In addition to treating clients, Dr.Pradeep conducts regular workshops and seminars on Ayurvedic medicine, healthy cooking, nutrition and preventative health. He is a regular speaker at the Mind Body Spirit Festival, and has given talks at respected yoga/meditation schools. Pradeep’s talks always include fascinating examples of his successful cases.
Reduced irritation, self-esteem, inner peace, better relationships, anger & frustration, worry & anxiety, compassion and wisdom, problems of all living beings, suffering, enjoy, everlasting happiness, International Events, Buddha, Buddhist Union, Meditation, mind relax, calm, prayer

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